Getting Course Information
Instructor Bob Hoekstra
• Christian Living

Growing in the Grace of God


In Growing in the Grace of God we shall expound on grace for Christians today: grace not only to come to the new life in Christ, but grace as well to see that life developed. We shall look at the grace of God unto sanctification more and more.

Growing in the Grace of God involves learning day by day to trust God in whatever is at hand, to work in and through our lives by the resources and impact of His grace upon us. In relating to God and developing a life with God, Christians do such under the terms of grace and not under those of law. We cannot cultivate our life in the Lord by trying to live up to the rules and regulations of Almighty God by our own best ability. God’s law reveals to us our great need for the grace of God. The striving of the flesh—whether to be great and mighty or live up to the standards of God—never goes with the grace of God. But believing God fits the grace of God. Faith and grace go together hand-in-glove.

Growing in the Grace of God is about living daily by the grace of God: discovering how the believer is to live by grace. In living daily by grace, God works in us; and God works with us by His grace for fruit, good works, and obedience.

Growing in the Grace of God is about the Holy Spirit and the grace of God. This study will provide another perspective in answering that question. There is a very profound relationship between the Spirit of God and the grace of God. The Holy Spirit must be at work in us and on us and through us applying the grace of God to our personal lives. When we walk according to the Spirit—when we are filled with the Spirit—what is of God and on the heart of God will overflow our lives. It is critical to see this union between the Holy Spirit and the grace of God. We cannot have one without the other. God wants us growing in His grace, and this must take place by the work of the Holy Spirit in, upon and through our lives.

Growing in the Grace of God is about intimacy with God. We shall see in part of our study, that the intimacy available between the Lord and us is absolutely astounding. It goes beyond anything that could possibly develop on even the human level—even in the marriage relationship where two become one. By the shed blood of Jesus Christ we are given the opportunity of an intimate relationship with God. While once we were far off from God, separated greatly from Him by our sins, now through the shed blood of Jesus Christ we have been brought near—near enough to talk to God and to listen to God and to fellowship with God and to walk with God.

Growing in the Grace of God is about knowing God. It is by grace that God even allows us to know Him. By understanding His grace, we naturally grow in knowing God and rejoicing in God. It is the grace of God at work on us, in us, and through us that make us to abound in the knowledge of the Lord. We are to grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord; they go together. They are a mutual growth experience and the highest calling we have on earth.

Growing in the Grace of God is about the “much more” grace of God. The grace of God is much more than we yet know about it. And the grace of God is much more than we will ever need—not that our needs are not great, but His grace is that much greater.

Growing in the Grace of God is about God’s revelation of Himself to us through His Word. Our primary and ultimate filter, by which everything else is measured, is the Word of God. God then brings His grace to bear upon our lives, in our lives, and throughout our lives, making the realities of His Word more and more our experience. That is Growing in the Grace of God.

Growing in the Grace of God will study the effects of God’s grace upon the Christian.

This course will discuss our new life in Christ, not under law but under grace, as well as the development of that new life.  We will discover the importance in trusting God in every aspect of our lives. We will see how God brings forth fruit, good works, and obedience through His grace.  The nature of the profound relationship between the Holy Spirit and the grace of God will be examined.  The student will be encouraged to enjoy the intimate relationship with God that His grace has provided. God’s desire in this relationship will be to know Him in much deeper way.  The student will discover that by this “much more” grace of God, He reveals Himself to us through His Word by which everything else is measured.  God then brings His grace to bear upon our lives, in our lives, and throughout our lives, making the realities of His Word more and more our experience. That is Growing in the Grace of God.

Lesson List
Lesson 1
The Law of God
Lesson 2
The Grace of God
Lesson 3
Living Daily by the Grace of God
Lesson 4
The Holy Spirit and the Grace of God
Lesson 5
Grace for Knowing God
Lesson 6
The Much More Grace of God