

Eric Lewis

Welcome. This is the final unit of our study together. And in this unit, we’re going to look at the Old Testament. We’re going to break the Old Testament into five parts. We’re going to look at the narrative books, the law, the poetic books, the prophetic books, and the wisdom literature. As it relates to the narrative, we’re going to use some of the principles we learned from the New Testament in interpreting a story. When we get into the law, what are the laws that apply to us today, what are principles that we can learn from the law, and then what laws do we need to leave in the past? And also, we’ll take some time to look at some of the moral objections that are in culture today as it relates to the Old Testament, and how do we answer those objections from a biblical point of view? And then we’ll finish by looking at the different literary genres of prophetic books and poetry, which are very different in structure. And then finally, wisdom literature which we all know and love.