Hello and welcome to Unit 5 of Creation Narrative 1. Our focus for this unit will be the introduction of sin into the world. Specifically, we’re going to investigate three main teaching points. In this unit, we will first start by looking at how humanity chose to vandalize the shalom of God. Here we will take a look at how God intended to be in relationship with humanity, the nature of sin, and the first act of sin in the garden. In Session 2, we will look at God’s judgment of sin by considering the fact that God’s holiness required that he judge humanity. So we will look at how God judged all that were guilty of sin. Finally, in Session 3, we will consider the impact that sin has on humanity. What we will come to discover is that sin impacts us completely. Now, as you prepare for this unit, let me challenge you to consider the darkest parts of who you are. While it’s good not to dwell on our past too much, we do not want to forget who we were before Christ. You see, by reflecting on who we were before Jesus, we can prepare our hearts to begin to talk about a difficult subject: the painful reality of sin. Yet even as we do, never forget that we serve our risen savior.