Hello and welcome to Unit 5 of Creation Narrative 2. In this unit, we will continue the conversation we began in the previous unit about the church. In the first section, we will pick up our conversation about how the church is to be organized. So we will look at the various expressions of church both within and throughout time. And we’ll also consider the various structures that the church has adopted throughout history. Now, in the second section, we’ll turn our attention to the topic of leadership in the church. What we’re going to do is consider the reality that it is Jesus who has appointed leadership in his church and it is Jesus who has set the example that needs to be followed in the church today when it comes to leadership. In this section, we will look at the various offices of leadership found within the church. Now, in the final section of this unit, we’ll turn our attention to the mission of the church. So the question that we’ll want to answer is why did God leave a community of believers behind when he ascended to heaven? We’ll look at the importance of sharing the gospel, and we’ll look at the importance of developing fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.