
Create a Devotional: Nehemiah

John Buckley

Use any of the above points (located in the PDF file) to create a devotional based on the book of Nehemiah. You may use any format, but the following outline is suggested for your use.

1. Devotional Title

2. Key Verse. Chose one or two verses as your focus verse for the devotional.

3. Full Reading. Identify a passage or compilation of verses as the foundation for your devotional. For best results choose between 6 and 18 contiguous verses. Or, choose a compilation of related verses, again totaling between 6 and 18 total verses.

4. Scripture Insight. In 3 to 6 sentences give the setting or contextual analysis of these Scriptures.

5. Add an Illustration. Create an illustration to explain or illuminate the Scriptures you have chosen. Typically, this is a story or experience that clarifies or expounds on the verses. Your illustration should lead to an understating of the verses in today’s culture and provide an application of the verses in our lives today, while at the same time remaining true to the meaning and context of the Scriptures.

6. To end the devotional, write a short prayer for both understanding and application from the passage.

You can download the PDF file listed above to complete the assignment.